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About us

We are a Polish manufacturer of medical equipment. All our products are manufactured in Poland from the highest quality materials using the latest technologies. We have 30 years of experience in the production of specialized protective products.

First Responder jest to modułowy plecak ratowniczy
Powstał z myślą o ratownictwie specjalistycznym wymagającym konfigurowalności oporządzenia.

1L v3s

First Responder Backpack

First Responder jest to modułowy plecak ratowniczy
Powstał z myślą o ratownictwie specjalistycznym wymagającym konfigurowalności oporządzenia.

This is a next-generation medical backpack made
“without compromise” especially for most demanding users.
The materials and the technologies used make AMMP
an ultimate medical platform for combat medics.

All pictures shown are for illustration purpose only. Products does not contain any medical equipment inside.


AMMP – Advanced Modular Medic Pack

This is a next-generation medical backpack made
“without compromise” especially for most demanding users.
The materials and the technologies used make AMMP
an ultimate medical platform for combat medics.

All pictures shown are for illustration purpose only. Products does not contain any medical equipment inside.

It is a modular and configurable medicine/ampoule box.
The special design of Lasercut Velcro allows any ampoules to be attached using:
– Velcro straps
– Elastic Velcro
– Elastic bands / Shockcords
– Self-adhesive Velcro stuck on the ampoules
The use of splash-proof zippers and waterproof fabrics protects the contents against external factors.
The ampoule can be attached to backpacks with a dedicated pocket or Velcro panel.

All pictures shown are for illustration purpose only. Products does not contain any medical equipment inside.


TMC-L Tactical Medication Case – Large

It is a modular and configurable medicine/ampoule box.
The special design of Lasercut Velcro allows any ampoules to be attached using:
– Velcro straps
– Elastic Velcro
– Elastic bands / Shockcords
– Self-adhesive Velcro stuck on the ampoules
The use of splash-proof zippers and waterproof fabrics protects the contents against external factors.
The ampoule can be attached to backpacks with a dedicated pocket or Velcro panel.

All pictures shown are for illustration purpose only. Products does not contain any medical equipment inside.

This is the smallest in our series of RAMP first aid kits.
This individual first-aid kit pouch is an ideal solution for users who appreciate the compactness of the medical equipment they carry.
Pouch consists of 2 parts:
– Rear Panel that can be mounted on molle
or directly onto a belt up to 60mm wide.
The panel is equipped with a multi direction releasable QR system
for immediate detachment of the first aid kit.
– Pouch itself with bottom mounting on a tourniquet ang chemlight. The first-aid kit is as compact as possible, while allowing you to carry the necessary medical equipment.

RAMP Micro

This is the smallest in our series of RAMP first aid kits.
This individual first-aid kit pouch is an ideal solution for users who appreciate the compactness of the medical equipment they carry.
Pouch consists of 2 parts:
– Rear Panel that can be mounted on molle
or directly onto a belt up to 60mm wide.
The panel is equipped with a multi direction releasable QR system
for immediate detachment of the first aid kit.
– Pouch itself with bottom mounting on a tourniquet ang chemlight. The first-aid kit is as compact as possible, while allowing you to carry the necessary medical equipment.

A stretcher are made of strong abrasion resistant polyethylene allowing for the quick evacuation of the injured.
The stretcher takes up little space when stored and its preparation for use is quick and easy. Thanks to the high-strength lanyard made of tubular mountaineering tape, it is possible to pull the stretcher on the ground. Thanks to this, only one rescuer is enough to transport the injured person.



MSTS – Tactical Streacher

A stretcher are made of strong abrasion resistant polyethylene allowing for the quick evacuation of the injured.
The stretcher takes up little space when stored and its preparation for use is quick and easy. Thanks to the high-strength lanyard made of tubular mountaineering tape, it is possible to pull the stretcher on the ground. Thanks to this, only one rescuer is enough to transport the injured person.


The cover allows the stretcher to be carried vertically or horizontally on any equipment equipped with the molle system or using shoulder / hip belt. The cover can be unfastened into 3 elements, which makes it much easier to pull the stretcher out, regardless of its location.


Product made of  IRR CORDURA® double layer lasercut laminate.


MSTS Carrier

The cover allows the stretcher to be carried vertically or horizontally on any equipment equipped with the molle system or using shoulder / hip belt. The cover can be unfastened into 3 elements, which makes it much easier to pull the stretcher out, regardless of its location.


Product made of  IRR CORDURA® double layer lasercut laminate.

The profiled structure ensures high comfort of use. The external shockcord system allows for attaching additional equipment to the outside of the pouch. A special two-sided pocket for scissors allows user to store them on the right or on the left (depending on the user’s will).

The interior is fully covered with Velcro fabric, which allows any configuration of compartments, pockets and rubbers.

In addition, the interior features a laser cut panel made of plastic that allows for additional configuration of small equipment.

Product made of  IRR CORDURA® double layer lasercut laminate.

All pictures shown are for illustration purpose only. Products does not contain any medical equipment inside.


MHP – Medic Hip Pouch

The profiled structure ensures high comfort of use. The external shockcord system allows for attaching additional equipment to the outside of the pouch. A special two-sided pocket for scissors allows user to store them on the right or on the left (depending on the user’s will).

The interior is fully covered with Velcro fabric, which allows any configuration of compartments, pockets and rubbers.

In addition, the interior features a laser cut panel made of plastic that allows for additional configuration of small equipment.

Product made of  IRR CORDURA® double layer lasercut laminate.

All pictures shown are for illustration purpose only. Products does not contain any medical equipment inside.

The dimensions and shape enable pouch to be mounted on the front of the vest (on top of magazines pouches equipped with the molle system), on a backpack / medical bag or directly on a 40-50mm belt.

The layout of the fastening systems allows for the exact organization of the equipment.

The pocket is equipped with a detachable lasercut panel whitch can be modified by the end user to fit any equipment required.
All pictures shown are for ilustration purpouse only. Products does not contain any medical equipment inside.


MP-L – Medic Pouch Large

The dimensions and shape enable pouch to be mounted on the front of the vest (on top of magazines pouches equipped with the molle system), on a backpack / medical bag or directly on a 40-50mm belt.

The layout of the fastening systems allows for the exact organization of the equipment.

The pocket is equipped with a detachable lasercut panel whitch can be modified by the end user to fit any equipment required.
All pictures shown are for ilustration purpouse only. Products does not contain any medical equipment inside.


System modułowych paneli medycznych.

System składa się z 3 komponentów:

– Panelu w opracowanym przez nas systemie Lasercut Velcro-Molle umożliwiający montaż kieszeni w 3 systemach (kieszenie zrywalne na rzep, kieszenie w standardzie molle oraz nasz system pośredni łączący zalety obydwu rozwiązań)
– Zestawu kieszeni w system pośrednim: kieszenie zrywalne jednocześnie wytrzymujące duże obciążenia.


TW-L – Trauma Wall Large

System modułowych paneli medycznych.

System składa się z 3 komponentów:

– Panelu w opracowanym przez nas systemie Lasercut Velcro-Molle umożliwiający montaż kieszeni w 3 systemach (kieszenie zrywalne na rzep, kieszenie w standardzie molle oraz nasz system pośredni łączący zalety obydwu rozwiązań)
– Zestawu kieszeni w system pośrednim: kieszenie zrywalne jednocześnie wytrzymujące duże obciążenia.